Saturday, April 18, 2009

Up the Creek

There used to be a restaurant up Monroe Canyon called "Up the Creek" and that is where we went today--not to the restaurant but up the canyon.

It was a little overcast and gloomy to begin with, but all in all not bad. We hiked for a bit, then let the kids play in a spot in the creek. Talmage trying to decide if he wanted to build a bridge or make a dam; Bethany alternating between helping Talmage and just throwing rocks in the water. We then continued on further up the trail. After we had gotten up there a ways we happened upon an ugly mess--the trail had been made wider and it was just yucky, sticky mud and I was so afraid that they were making it wider for 4-wheelers. Now 4-wheelers are fine and all and have their place, but I don't think they need to be everywhere (they are very noisey, etc) and its nice to be able to walk and not have to worry about looking out for them (its bad enough looking out for the dog poop every where!!! Mark says I'm obsessed about dog poop--I'm just obsessed about not stepping in it as it seems to be EVERYWHERE these days!!). Ok, back to hiking. It appears that all the mess and the tearing up of some of the trail was to get some equipment up and do some work on the water equipment, so thats ok. Today our hike took us farther than we have ever gone and now our next hike is to fix a way to cross the creek and go even farther.

Today we walked 2 1/2 miles total (me carrying a 3 year old for at least a 1/2 a mile of that--more I'd bet). Bethany loves to hike, but then she starts getting whiney and wants to go home (NOW) and wants to be carried, so I carry her a bit, then we have a break and let them have a snack and play around, then she walks for a bit before demaning that I carry her again. Lots of butterlies today and also got to see a squirrel digging in the ground under a small bush and eating something--kids loved it. I'm worn out--but thats what I get for being fat and old :)

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